
U: Unruhe (unrest)

Pressure to perform, but also desire, sometimes lead to the head wanting more than the body can manage. Loris Wissel reports how he has learned in recent years to know his own limits, to accept moments of exhaustion and to rest enough. He talks about the pleasant feeling that comes when he comes to rest and about enduring breaks without distractions. Before our conversation, Loris himself made a film on the subject.

Other entries:

V: Vögel (birds)

Erich has been studying Dortmund’s birdlife for over 50 years.

W: Wegwerfgesellschaft (throwaway society)

Thomas Zigahn makes art from household waste on a full-time basis.

A: Artenvielfalt

Tejas Kono ist acht Jahre alt, lebt in Dortmund und ihn beschäftigen die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels – beispielsweise das Artensterben.

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