


Mallika Taneja


The audience encounter the performers in a Zoom meeting, speaking to them live from India about sexual violence, justice and their personal dilemmas. Together they evaluate what is true and what is false, and invite the audience to have their say. Allegedly was devised for Zoom and is an ongoing and evolving negotiation of our understanding of consent. As a work in constant development, it exposes the contradictions, confusions and irregularities of both individual behaviour and solidarity.

Cast & Credits
Performance: Aditee Biswas, Mallika Taneja
With: Abhishikta Dasgupta, Aman Mohammadi, Anahita Sarabhai, Bonita Rajpurohit, Dipali, Drishti
Chawla, Katyayini Pant, Rishika Kaushik, Pooja Purohit, Simrat Harvind
Devised and Directed by: Mallika Taneja
Technical Design, Advertising: Meghna Singh Bhadauria
Producer: Khoya Paya
Script Assistant: Rajesh Nirmal with Meghna Singh Bhadauria
Music: Samar Grewal
Project Consultant: Hansa Thapliyal
Legal Consultant: Mini Saxena, The Consent Project

The Chorus was devised together with Dipali, Eeshta Malhotra, Neelambari Bhattacharya and Tanima.
Song – the traditional Baul song ’Kichu Din Mone Mone’, sung here by Tanima

Mallika Taneja, won Allegedyly the ZKB Patronage Prize in September 2021.
The play was first commissioned by Zubaan, an independent feminist publisher, as part of the ’Stepping Stones’ project about sexual violence and the lack of accountability across the whole of India. This adapted version of Allegedly is co-produced by the Beursschouwburg Brussels, the Vooruit Arts Centre in Ghent and Khoya Paya.

Diese Aufführung befasst sich explizit mit dem Thema sexuelle Gewalt.
Vor der Aufführung erhaltet Ihr einen Zoom-Link per E-Mail. Für die Performance wird ein Laptop oder PC-Monitor empfohlen.
Im Anschluss an die Performance findet in Zoom ein Künstler*innengespräch statt.
Wenn Ihr Probleme mit dem Online-Ticketkauf habt, schreibt an
Sa 24.9.