Hannah Biedermann, Ives Thuwis, Nora Vonder Mühll
We do not always have everything under control. We let ourselves go. We’re not always nice. We feel sad at times, angry without knowing why. And even if we’re often ashamed of it, our demons are a part of us that keeps us alive.
What do your demons look like? Do you talk to them? Do they dance with you?
dÄmonen is the result of intensive research with children and adolescents. Ives and Nora are adults. They bring along demons from their childhood and try to face their demons of today. The theatre becomes a fearless meeting place, where we get to ask our demons to dance.
dÄmonen is full of acceptance of life, energy, dance and sensual images. A piece that makes strong.
Cast & Credits
Development: Ensemble
Director: Hannah Biedermann
Choreography & Performance: Ives Thuwis, Nora Vonder Mühll
Sound Design & Music: Johannes Birlinger
Equipment: Regina Rösing
Collaboration Concept & Touring Technology: Stefan Colombo
Production Management: Cornelia Wolf
Flyer: Sarah Infanger using drawings by young people
A co-production between Theater Sgaramusch Schaffhausen, FFT Düsseldorf, ROTONDES Luxembourg, TAK Theater Liechtenstein Schaan
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