

Glossary of (Un)Learning – Exhibition at the MKK with guided tour

(Un)Learning PerspectivesAusstellungFührung

“Glossary of (Un)Learning”: Exhibition with Voices of the City 
10 September – 30 October 2022

Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Hansastr. 3, 44135 Dortmund, Germany
Free admission

As part of this year’s FAVORITEN Festival, the digital “Glossary of (Un)Learning”brings together different voices from Dortmund’s urban society in short video interviews. The Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte (MKK) presents the “Glossary of (Un)Learning” in an exhibition from 10 September to 30 October. The opening is on Friday, 9 September, 6 pm.

The focus of the FAVORITEN Festival this year is the common, continuous process of (un)learning and growing together between genders, generations, classes and borders. In order to better understand what (un)learning means in Dortmund, curator Eva Busch and photographer Sören Meffert travelled different neighbourhoods of the festival venues and talked to the people. They spoke with experts from various fields of work and life in Dortmund and the surrounding area about their experiences of (un)learning.

The resulting 10-minute video contributions are gathered in a constantly growing glossary of (un)learning that spells out a new, messy, fragile, fun and powerful alphabet: with W for throwaway society, F for family, P for patriarchy and U for restlessness. The visitors meet siblings who unlearn old family images, or a gardener who tries out different ways of producing and relating as part of a solidarity-based agriculture. Under K for Clinic, a nurse reports on her everyday life at the Dortmund Clinic, while under V for Birds, an amateur ornithologist talks about his enthusiasm for the bird world.

The “Glossary of (Un)Learning” is a polyphonic invitation to embark on the adventures of (un)learning for yourself. Initiatives such as Decolonize Dortmund, Nicht ohne uns 14%, the Social-Ecological Centre Dortmund and others are involved.

The exhibition can be seen during the museum’s regular opening hours with free admission.

Eva Busch and Sören Meffert will be giving a guided tour of the exhibition on 16.09.2022 at 16:00, providing insights into the process of creation and inviting visitors to exchange ideas.

Opening hours Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte (MKK)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 11 am – 6 pm
Thursday, Friday 11 – 20 h
Monday closed

Fr 16.9.