

Enco & Andras_2020

(Un)Learning DistancesPerformanceInstallation16+

FENÔMENO is a 3 channel audio-visual installation by brazilian visual artist Enco and musician Andras_2020. Floating over the modulated falsettos and electronic sounds of the latter, Enco’s extremely textured digital sculptures shed light on the infinite loops of transformation of the organic matter throughout the cycles of life and death. With the installation, the artists intend to create a space where the material and metaphysical can metaphorically co-exist. Using the digital as a reverse manifestation of sentience or ectoplasm. 

With references that range from the christian Genesis myth and the “blow of God” to Poltergeist  and swan songs, tactile and bizarre avatars sculpted out of Andras’ face – who voices each one of them as giving them life – sing in unison as if in a post-human choir. In its 20 minutes, Fenômeno stands as a poetic contemplative plateau that centers morphing as means of surviving. And beyond.

The project (Un)Learning Distances – Digital, International Residency Program is produced in cooperation with transmissions GmbH and is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.


“Our artistic process is now on a phase of making all the ideas and concepts we previously elaborated come to life. We are constructing and experimenting a lot, for the purpose of creating a possible and sublime installation.”

Internationale Residenzen, Showing © Silviu Guiman
Internationale Residenzen, Showing © Silviu Guiman