FROM AHEAD OUR TIME - (Un)Learning Distances - Showing
Paweł Świerczek & Julia Nitschke
Have you ever wondered how to act when you meet a lesbian? Or where you can meet a lesbian? Do you want to hear a Silesian priest preach about bees that can give virgin birth? Are you ready to shed a tear over the sad and beautiful story of Antek and Janek? Become part of our very special extravaganza and expect the unexpected.
“From Ahead Our Time” is an invitation to dive deep into the queer archival material of the Ruhr and Silesia. Through drag and burlesque, we embody our common queer ancestors and their stories. And bring our self-selected family together.
Cast & Credtis
Concept & Performance: Julia Nitschke, Paweł Świerczek
Performance: Princ Wonglo (Valyen Songbird), Mercedes Tuccini, Drag Queen Tara
Choreography & Mentoring: Lady AnnMart
Music Video: Katarína Marková / Assistance: Negar Foroughanfar
Some costumes by: Luka Hot Couture, Olivia Ballard
Thanks to: Grupa Mauczka, Mateusz Trzebiatowski, Monse & Arroz, Paweł Ziegler & Janda.
The performance is based on archival material kindly provided by private sources and, among others, by the LIESELLE Women’s Library and Lambda Warszawa. Quotes from Horst Bienek’s “Time Without Bells” were used.
The project (Un)Learning Distances – Digital, International Residency Program is being developed in cooperation with transmissions GmbH and is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.