Arne Vogelgesang
“Truth” has become a much-used term in political communication and mobilisation. It is the reference point of discussions around “fake news,” fact checks, or “alternative truths” on the one hand, and a code word for claims to validity of ideological opinion machines on the other. The social dispute about TRUTH is permeated by diverse interests and ways of life and has implications for art, whose ways of producing truth cannot be completely brought into line with those of science or journalism.
Arne Vogelgesang’s lecture uses selected examples to consider what representatives of the “Wahrheitsbewegung” actually mean or do when they raise the banner of truth – and also questions the confusion about the status of “truth” in the lecturer’s own thinking and actions.
Cast & Credits
Research and Lecture: Arne Vogelgesang
Initiated by
The project is part of the format & FRIENDS GASTSPIEL and is realised within the framework of FESTIVALFRIENDS, a festival association of the Freie Darstellende Künste in Germany.
FESTIVALFRIENDS is funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media through the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e. V.’s programme “Verbindungen fördern”.