The FAVORITEN Festival 2022 is interested in ways of (un)learning. In order to work out what this might be specifically and locally, we will head out in advance to visit the festival’s physical and intellectual neighbours and talk to them. We will talk to experts on a range of different aspects of work and life who are all from Dortmund about their respective experiences. We will collect the resulting video works in a constantly growing GLOSSARY OF (UN)LEARNING which will spell out a new, messy, fragile, joyous and powerful alphabet. Where W is for waste, F for family, P for patriarchy and U for unrest.
The glossary can be viewed online during the festival and as an installation at the Depot and after the festival (09 September -30 October 2022) at the Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte (MKK).
The glossary of (UN) Learning is developed within the project (Un)Learning Perspectives: FAVORITEN (Un)learns of the FAVORITEN Festival 2022
The project “(Un)Learning Perspectives: FAVORITEN (ver)lernt” is developed within the framework of “dive in. Program for Digital Interactions” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.