
WHAT THE FUCK – A feminist audio essay by and with young people

CHICKS* freies performance-kollektiv


What desires do we construct when talking about sexuality? Who has a say in the first place – and who gets to be heard? How do our desires reflect gender, class and race? How did this develop historically: what knowledge was prevalent at what time, and what is the actual situation now? What knowledge of desire and sexuality is systematically kept hidden? What genders, sexualities, desires and lusts are rendered invisible? And finally: What knowledge do we want to pass on? What ways of talking about sex, what modes of depicting and abstracting sex theatrically can we discover?

WHAT THE FUCK works against the discrimination of queer and female lust, offering alternative ways of representing desire, gender and sex. WHAT THE FUCK is about a critical analysis of contemporary sex education and about the quest for doing it differently. 

Cast & Credits: 

Artistic Direction, Direction and Costumes: Marietheres Jesse, Gianna Pargätzi
Musical Direction and Composition: Elischa Kaminer
Scenic Design: Anja Zihlmann
Dramaturgy: Barbara Kantel
Dramaturgical Consultant: Laura Kallenbach
Production: Mara Martínez
Authors and Speakers: Rani, Julia, Betti, Joyce, Leo, Nele, Arlo, Mikah, Natalie, Sarah, Marie, Gianna, Mara, Fiona, Elischa, Jessi.

The project “Wissen macht Lust” is funded by “Zur Bühne”, the Deutscher Bühnenverein’s development programme within the framework of “Kultur macht stark. Bündnisse für Bildung.” The project is part of the format & FRIENDS GASTSPIEL and is realized within the framework of FESTIVALFRIENDS, a festival association of the Freie Darstellende Künste in Germany. FESTIVALFRIENDS is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media through the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e. V.’s programme “Verbindungen fördern”